Candy Crush Friends Group

Hints and tips from our expert players + videos

Friday, September 15, 2017

Candy Crush Saga Level 2743 Tips and video

You have to collect 60 licorice in 28 moves to complete level 2743 Candy Crush Saga.
The first thing to do is to unlock as many of the spawners as you can. At the same time unlock the two colourbombs on the left being very careful not to detonate them. 
Once the colourbombs are unlocked leave them where they are and work on clearing the licorice as it is produced by the spawners.
Keep one eye on the number of moves you have left and the other eye on the number of licorice you need. Be very careful not to detonate the colourbombs by mistake so avoid making sideways stripes if possible.
Once you get some of the licorice you need let it grow and keep count of how much there is left, once you have enough licorice on the board to complete the orders switch the two colourbombs together to clear the board. Save a few moves in case the colourbomb combo doesn't clear enough, this happens sometimes as they don't like the levels to be too easy to complete at this stage in the game!
Video below

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